Bashir Tubbsum Gill

Bashir Tubbsum Gill


I am the founder of Pakeezah Vision Ministries. I came to Lord Jesus Christ when I was in my mid-twenties and it changed my life dramatically from that time I never looked back and kept moving in the grace of God. I am glad his grace and love stayed with me all these years and I must say that the Love of God moved me to start this organization.

The love of God is the benevolent disposition or inclination in God that stirs him to bestow benefits both physical and spiritual upon those created in his image (and is thus in this respect synonymous with grace). We see the love of God most clearly in that he gave himself to us in his Son, through which God gave us the most enthralling, beautiful, and eternally satisfying experience possible, that is, the knowledge and enjoyment of God himself.

In over three decades of working as a full-time minister, I’ve learned that personal testimonies are one of the most influential tools the Holy Spirit uses to stir spiritual interest and point people toward Christ. There’s no more poignant and powerful way to communicate the gospel than by sharing our story—not because we’re so great, but because Jesus is so great and nothing is more powerful than sharing the testimony in which God uses you to uplift rescue and save someone else. It portrays the true essence of the Gospel; I am glad Pakeezah is our story in which we reached out to hundreds of people in Pakistan and loved them when they needed the most.