Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc orci nisl, tempus ut sem a, scelerisque sollicitudin arcu. Phasellus porttitor dignissim nisl, vel aliquet enim pharetra vitae. Nam a accumsan tellus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc orci nisl, tempus ut sem a
Give Me Books is a project of Pakeezah Vision Ministries to provide education to the stratified masses, especially children who are unable to fund their education.
VIEW DETAILSPakistan may become the most water-stressed nation in the region by 2040 because of multiple factors, including climate change, mismanagement of the water.
VIEW DETAILSAccording to the recent reports of NDMA of Pakistan thousands of people have been displaced and hundreds of people have lost their lives
VIEW DETAILSPakistan is not one of the largest countries in the world – it doesn’t rank in the top 10 by landmass – and yet it has the fifth largest population […]
VIEW DETAILSPURPLE DREAM is the Women Empowerment project of Pakeezah Vision ministries. The purpose of this project is to provide grants and financial assistance to women to establish small-scale businesses to […]
VIEW DETAILSThe Global Slavery Index estimates there were almost 25 million people trapped in forced labour in 2016. Its 2018 report placed Pakistan eighth on the list, estimating the number to […]
VIEW DETAILSDonec id blandit ante. Duis maximus, est quis ultricies euismod, nunc ante vulputate ex, nec volutpat risus risus in ipsum. Sed at purus diam.
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Pakeezah is a God centered non profit organization with the purpose to reach and help out the pople those are crushed and marginalized in the society .
P.O BOX 1086